
The Devil’s Voice

The Devil’s Voice

I’m just an innocent boy sitting somewhere
Seated somewhere far but near
And I heard a voice whispering in my ear
I looked around but there was no one there
So I began shivering out of fear
But he was saying something that he wants me to hear
He began whispering into my heart for my ears did not hear
And he said
“O ye son of Adam, the sun is drying all your dams,
And you still act calm
The seas are taking all your lands
Yet you still pray in hands
You pray all nights
But nothing seems alright
You live in fright
Even in the bright daylight
So do you still hold tight onto a fight
That is not making your life right?
Why not answer my call, O son of Adam
For I’m all ready to do a bargain with you
And my bargain is,
I want to give you cars and take away your care
I’ll give you all the blings you want and put my sword in your words
Let me hold onto your soul and let you blow
You’ll have gold and will not grow old
you just have to be bold if you don’t want to be broke
And want to be recognized in this globe…
Come hold tight onto my rope
For that is the only hope
On this lonely road…


My Marriage Proposal

I’m in a journey,

seemingly a never ending one.

No roads, no lights, just wild beasts.

Like the Hollywood underworld.

Or, even scarier.

On my right is darkness, and on my left too darkness.

Above me is darkness and below me too, darkness.

I’m pervaded by darkness that I can not even see my own self.

Wandering around in a Wonderland of no hope.

Praying to get a light that will guide me through the rest of my journey.
Then, through the struggles I saw a very beautiful bright light at a distance.

A light like no other.

It’s brighter than the sun, calmer than the moon and more beautiful than the stars.

The dazzling beauty of its rays make the rainbow look dull.

I was filled with joy as I started racing towards the light, with such a great zeal that the only thing that could either grab my attention or stop me is to get to this beautiful light.

Through the hustles, tussles, bustles, shackles and tangles I managed to get closer and closer and Lo and behold, to my surprise ,it was you.(I found you)

So please, will you be the light to guide me through the rest of my journey?



Dear Passion
It’s been a while right?
You may probably be thinking that I have dawg you or something isn’t it?
That’s not the case. Not at all
Because you defines me
But you know how my world is
A world of limited space
Limited opportunities
Especially for traits like you
That’s why I have to lock you down for a while
Yeah, just a little while
For I have to prepare an environment for you
A very suitable one
A place where you would be recognized and appreciated for your uniqueness
But you know, they say “Kwakye adeɛ yɛ fɛ na nso yɛ de sika na ɛretɔ” (Beautiful things are bought with money).
That’s why I am putting you on a wait
You are part of me and I can always call you out whenever I need you
But For now I have to survive first
I have to do something that’s not part of me
Something recognized and accepted in my part of the world
Something that might be hard for me
Something that would help me prepare a suitable environment for you
I know it’s not going to be easy
Yeah, it’s going to be hard
I might struggle
I might be cut
I might bleed
And I might cry
But in all these I just have to endure, stitch the cut, wipe away my tears and keeping moving
So you have to wait for a while dear Passion
Because to survive in my part of the world
I must find something first
I must find a job.



When I first heard of it
Its name sounded sweet
So I thought to myself
“How could something deadly

have such a nice name?”
Whatever it is now is not important to me
I’m not an expert on that
We leave that to the experts
Understanding the mechanism of action of the virus is not that important to me
I’m just a common person
All I know is that it’s just another disease, a pandemic they call it
Others has come and gone
And this too, I believe will surely go
So as a common person, I don’t need any complicated explanations
Let’s leave that to the scientists who are fighting very hard to find a cure
What I need to know is how to stay safe
The precautionary measures
Isn’t it hopeful that mere acts we take for granted can protect us from this deadly virus?
Like, staying in quarantine
washing your hands with soap under running water for just 20 seconds
Coughing or sneezing in a tissue paper and disposing it off or coughing or sneezing in your elbow fabric.
Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes with your hands.
Where there is no soap and water, always use a hand sanitizer.
Avoid public gatherings. Keeping a distance of 1 to 2 meters when speaking with another person.
Wearing a nose mask when you have cough or sneezing.
Avoid shaking hands
And finally going for check up when you are experiencing any sign or symptom such as fever, sneezing, coughing, difficult breathing and so on.
Knowing there are such measures to prevent infection and spread of the virus is such a relief.
Although the room is dark, but these measures are the opened window that is giving us light.
He , she , you and I, all of us has a role to play.
What will be the benefit if you follow all the precautionary measures and the next person refuses to follow them.
That would send us back to square one.
So you know why this fight is not only for the government, the ministry of health, the FDA, the World Health Organization or any particular person, country or institution?
It’s a fight for all, a fight for everyone.
So I will play my role and then pray and hope God does the rest.
I hope you also do so.


My Girl

My girl just left me alone
She said she can no longer hold onto the rope
That I’m just some load that she needed to offload.
For I don’t have a house of my own.
I always dream of buying her the cars, the mansions and accessories of diamonds and of gold.
But man is still broke.
So she took me and whatever I said for a joke.
She said her friend’s boy has a lot of dough (cash).
Hmmm, it’s funny how she’s tryna compare the lizard to the toad.
They may be sipping the champagnes and Hennessy but I’m also happy sipping my coke.
Cuz I have a lot of hope.
That I’m also gonna find the road.
That will lead me to my abode.
For what tomorrow holds.
No one knows.
Even if you have the biggest nose.



They call it introversion
But to him, he’s just that person
Who loves his own company
Always walking hand in hand with his shadow
And conversing with his invisible other self
Trying to work things on the inside before bringing them out
He hates no one
Just that his resistant soul is too weak
Thus, he finds it very difficult to resist influences from people
So, in order to avoid any damage unto himself
He chose to walk alone.


The Woman

Everyone is blaming her
That she ate it first
He also ate it
And no one is blaming him
She is weak and soft-hearted
Especially on her own
But she was left there all alone
So it got the gut to lure her
Into it’s bait
He says he’s the stronger one with a stronger heart
Yet, there comes the temptation, and he couldn’t resist it too
Though, he saw a sign
He still ate it
So stop blaming her
For she’s the woman, from whose womb comes the man.
The woman, she is my Grandma
The woman, she is my Mum
The woman, she is my Wife
The woman, she is my Sister
The woman, she’s my friend
The woman is the definition of love in life
You say
She ate it first
But he ate it too
And they sinned
So stop blaming the woman


A New Story

It’s time to go back to the drawing board and rewrite my story.
I wish I don’t make a mistake this time around.
Honestly, I will love not to make any.
But to err is human is a rule of human life that I can not escape from.
That’s why I’m not going to use a permanent ink.
Yeah, you heard me right.
I’m not going to use a permanent ink to rewrite my story this time.
For permanent inks always leave permanent flaws and mistakes.
Past flaws and mistakes that continue to haunt me whenever I come across them even if they were cancelled out.
Mistakes that send out negative energies to block me from attaining my goals in life.
I want to be free from these shackles entangling me.
Because I’m tired of living in a life of doom and gloom, feeling guilty always and bowing my head down in shame.
I’ve got a better team to help me write my story now.
Yeah,I’ve got my pencil and eraser with me.
This time…
My pencil may feature you in my story but remember, my eraser will permanently wipe you out if it finds out that you don’t deserve to be there.
Not a trace of any blemish will it leave there for it to come and haunt me.
I’m going to be more cautious not to make any egregious mistake this time.
And even if I make such a mistake, I’m going to make sure I don’t leave it just like that in my story but wipes it out completely.
For mistakes are not dangerous, but the repetition of them is lethal.



I’m not alone
Yeah, I’m not alone
I’m with my memories
So I’m not alone
Beautiful memories
That give me hope
When I feel like, I am alone
They make me realize, I’ve got a home
Let me live inside, my memories
For there I feel like, I’m somebody
Day and night, cold and warmth, feel the same
There’s no cops, no arms, only peace inside
What a beautiful place to spend my time
And I won’t even lose a dime
In my memories
Things are imaginary
No moneys
No worries
No injuries
And there’s no pain
Everything is happiness
Like a little heaven
So let me live
Inside my beautiful memories
Because they give me hope.

—Dayak Official


He isn’t happy, he is homeless

I’m sitting here but there
All lost in the jungle of my thoughts
Trying to figure my way out
My mind wandering around
Like a restless ghost
Thinking of that child
Walking barefooted in the downpour
With its cold breeze
And loud thunderclaps
Running and walking
Yet, going neither here nor there
Seemingly happy and playing
To that man driving in his car
And the other one on his motorbike
He is walking in the rain
Because the street is the only home he knew
Which is being flooded by the downpour
Yet, no one noticed.
Since both laughter and cry show the teeth
And tears and water too the same in look
So, his tears, which carry a story so clear
Wanting to be heard, are not seen
For they are being washed down by the rain
Neither do the sound of his cry too be heard
For that too has been pervaded by the seemingly furious and roaring thunderclaps
Only his yellowish teeth
Which appear whitish from afar is seen
So he is thought of to be happy
Nevertheless, he is not.

—Dayak Official